View how Nylas uses Mendable

Increase conversion by giving sales teams instant technical knowledge

Reduce wait-times, streamline engagement, and amplify ROI with an AI you can trust. Get started in minutes.

Over 1,000,000 customers answered


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Why use Mendable for Sales Enablement?

Mendable improves sales operations by giving reps instant technical know-how, allowing then to better understand customer pain point and win trust faster. Our AI is trained on your data and can instantly answer any question your customers have integrate.

Key Benefits

Accelerate Sales Cycle

Reduce wait-times, streamline engagement, and amplify ROI.

Boost Conversions

Enhance user interactions, translating to more successful deals.

Sales' AI Sidekick

Equip teams with instant technical know-how, winning trust faster.

More than just a chatbot

Tools and Actions

Give your AI access to tools for augmentation and actions for automation. Integrate with any API

Supercharge your business

Mendable's AI ensures your business save on operational costs, driving down your support ticket volume and increasing customer satisfaction.

Answers from multiple data sources

Ingest data through a simple online GUI and through our API. You can easily add, modify, or delete different types of sources.

Interchangable models (GPT 4, Claude-2 +)

Customize the AI based on your company's needs. Add your own voice, tone and personality.

Deploy everywhere - in multiple languages

Mendable AI supports multiple langugages such as English, Spanish, Portuguese and 15+ more.

Implement quickly

Get up and running in minutes with our easy to use React components and API.

Enhance User Satisfaction

Drive brand loyaly, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

SSO, BYOK, White Label

Mendable is built with enterprise in mind. We offer SSO, BYOK, and other enterprise features.

Our wall of love

Don't take our word for it