September 15th, 2023


Eric Ciarla imageEric Ciarla Mid September 2023 Update

Elevating the Chat Experience with new Improvements Mid September 2023 Update image

As we cross the midpoint of September, we’re thrilled to bring you a variety of updates designed to enhance your experience with With our primary focus on making AI chat application development more efficient and user-friendly, this month’s updates offer something for everyone.

Upgraded Free Tier: More Messages, Powerful Engine

We’ve listened to your needs and have restructured our free tier plan accordingly. Users can now enjoy 500 message credits each month, up from the previous 100. Not just that, we’ve made GPT-4, one of the most powerful language models, the default for our free tier. If you don’t see GPT-4 activated, simply interact with the bot and refresh your screen.

Introducing Product Copilot: Bespoke User Experiences

Mendable now offers a more context-aware AI experience with our Product Copilot feature. This new addition empowers you to create bots that utilize application context to provide more personalized and insightful responses. Whether it’s user details or specific page data, you can integrate a variety of dynamic information to enrich the user’s journey. To learn more about how you can leverage Product Copilots, visit our dedicated blog post.

Discord and Slack Integration Templates: Build Your Own Bots

Building bots for Discord and Slack just got a lot easier. Our new integration templates simplify the process of creating chatbots that can assist with project-specific questions. These bots tap into the Mendable API to offer accurate answers and provide relevant sources. Plus, the feature is open-source, so you’re free to customize it further.

Data Exporting Now Live, With More Dashboard Insights on the Horizon

Understanding your user conversations is invaluable for growth. To make it easier for you to gain actionable insights, we have rolled out Data Exporting. You can now export these rich conversational datasets from the project settings page. While we are in the early stages of adding more in-depth dashboard insights, we’re open to early-access testers. Interested? Fill out this form.

Quality of Life Improvements: Your Feedback, Our Action

We take user feedback to heart. Based on your suggestions, we’ve implemented a range of quality-of-life enhancements including:

  • Project Duplication for testing
  • Enhanced manage indexes page
  • Additional API context
  • Improved sorting functionalities

You can find more about these changes in our changelog.